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Elective C-Section or Natural?

In all honesty, I couldn't really say which birth I preferred overall. Both were great in their own different ways. Whilst I had a super smooth birth with the boys as it was a planned section, I didn't have a great recovery with infections and the cut reopening. With Neve, yes I had a successful VBAC but the actual labour and just after she was born was horrific. One of the major benefits of a natural birth, for mine at least, was the recovery. Yes of course your vagina has been ripped to pieces but on the other hand, you haven't had your stomach muscles sliced in half. 1 week after leaving the hospital with Neve, the boys and I (along with my mum) made a morning visit to Cotswold Wildlife Park. There was absolutely no chance in hell I would have been able to do that after my section with the twins. The downside to a natural birth is, without a doubt, the pain involved with labour. It's no secret that I used to have an unhealthy obsession with One Born Every M

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